The 3rd HRAS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
13 May 2023, Saturday • 13:00 to 17:30 (SGT/GMT+8) • Shangri-La Singapore
Event Summary for the 3rd HRAS Annual Scientific Meeting (HRAS ASM 2023)
The Heart Rhythm Association Singapore's 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting (HRAS ASM 2023) took place on Saturday, May 13, 2023, at Shangri-La Singapore. Since the inception of HRAS, this was the association’s first physical Annual Scientific Meeting with the relaxation of COVID-19 related restrictions.
The meeting focused on the latest important updates on catheter ablation, cardiac implantable electronic devices and atrial fibrillation. An ECG course was held before the meeting, focusing on key concepts in basic and advanced ECG interpretation. Local experts in cardiac electrophysiology and pacing, from both public and private healthcare sectors, were involved as faculty for this meeting.
Pre-ASM ECG Course
The pre-ASM ECG course was chaired by Dr Daniel Chong and Dr Tan Vern Hsen. Dr Teo Hooi Khee started the session with a lecture on understanding a normal ECG trace. Dr Wang Yue and Dr Ng Shonda explained how to interpret ECGs in the settings of tachycardia and bradycardias respectively. Dr Julian Tay rounded up the session with ECG cases of acute coronary syndromes. This session was very popular as it served as an excellent revision of ECG interpretation concepts for primary care clinicians, nurses and allied health professionals.

HRAS ASM 2023 Opening Ceremony
ASM 2023 started with a welcome speech by the Organizing Chairman, Dr Chia Pow-Li. This was followed by the welcome address by the HRAS President, Dr Ching Chi Keong. Dr Yeo Wee Tiong then gave the first lecture, providing an update on the latest evidence and sharing his expertise, tips and tricks on conduction system pacing. Dr Kelvin Chua concluded the session with a contemporary overview of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. The session was very educational with the excellent talks by both lecturers and the thought-provoking and insightful discussions by both chairpersons, Dr Seow Swee Chong and Dr David Foo.

Scientific Lectures for HRAS ASM 2023
The final session for the ASM 2023 centred around topics of interest in the field of cardiac electrophysiology and pacing. It was chaired by Dr Pipin Kojodjojo and Dr Devinder Singh. Dr Colin Yeo started the session by sharing his experience with the follow-up and programming of cardiac implantable electronic devices post conduction system pacing. Dr Lim Toon Wei went on to explain how to ensure optimal programming of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronization therapy devices. Dr Elaine Boey highlighted the different forms of ICDs available and provided an insight into the correct choice for different patient groups. Finally, Dr Kevin Leong shared his expertise on ventricular tachycardia catheter ablation. Through this session, the audience benefited greatly from the combined expertise and experience of all the esteemed speakers and chairpersons.